Digital Logic And Computer Design By M. Morris Mano
Information about this book:
- Book Title: Digital Logic And Computer Design
- Author: M. Morris Mano
- Publisher: Pearson India
- Edition: 1st Edition
- Total Pages: 525
- Ebook Type: PDF
- File Size: 13.3 MB
Contents of This Book:
- Binary Systems
- Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
- Simplification of Boolean Functions
- Combinational Logic
- MSI and PLD Components
- Synchronous Sequential Logic
- Registers, Counters and the Memory Unit
- Algorithmic State Machines (ASM)
- Asynchronous Sequential Logic
- Digital Integrated Circuits
- Laboratory Experiments
- Standard Graphic Symbols
Decryption Key:
- 1st Edition: wzDTQ0xQSJdQuD7V_7GNTgHL1JEq1ulGr-2v2mj0mY8